One on Base, One at Bat

Long time, no write.

My High Tide is finally ready and drinking great. It pours a nice light yellow, and the torrified wheat lends a nice cloudiness to the brew. The head is nice and creamy as I carbed it up to about 3 volumes.

High Tide IPA
High Tide IPA in my incorrect (but **awesome**) Live Oak Pilz glassware.

Right now I have Melissa’s Amber fermenting away. I’m trying S-04, and English ale yeast for this, and a large quantity of honey malt capped with a bit of black malt. I’m hoping for a light, flavorful amber, that’s sweet but hopefully not cloying as it was mashed low to encourage b-amalyase activity. I ended up using a lot of crystal 20 and 40 and forwent vienna or munich malts, just as an experiment, but I feel like that will be changed in the next attempt. I also used 2-row because it’s cheap but I really do prefer Marris Otter in all my non-IPA’s, pretty much. So little time, so little money, so much experimenting to do!

As far as equipment and process goes, I got an immersion chiller and am experimenting with fermenting this beer in less than a week, but I’m tasting as it goes to make sure it’s good to go.


