Posts by Year


Post-Grad Brewing

Since I last posted I’ve been promoted to a Quality Technician role at Austin Eastciders. This new title has been exciting as I work in production support, h...

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Ferm Boyz

Since I’ve graduated I’ve moved, started working at a cider company as a Fermentation Specialist, and brewed three beers. Not a bad three months. One of the ...

Why I Brew

I want to take a minute as I’m applying to a bunch of jobs in the beer industry to articulate the reasons why I brew beer, and why I want to make a career ou...

Kegerator & Kettle Souring

Short update because I’m busy with school: I got a kegerator and I kettle soured my first beer. I used the bacteria on acid malt to sour the beer down to aro...

Yeast & Bacteria

For my most recent batch of homebrew, my Marris Otter and Apollo SMaSH - “MOpollo”, I harvested yeast from my last fermentation of Melissa’s Amber. Since Mel...

Cool Nights & Coolships

It’s my winter break and I’ve spent my time off from school trying to learn and experiment more in my quest to brew great beer. I brewed a Ten Fidy clone, a ...

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A ~spooky~ Brewday

Yesterday, I brewed my High Tide IPA and bottled a cider that I had been sitting on for a few weeks. Big thanks to my friend Danny for the help and company!

Coffee Milk Stout

Here’s a quick post of a Coffee Milk Stout recipe that I wrote up. I first brewed this with my dad and it scored a 32/50 by a BJCP judge, which is in the “Ve...

Brew Log, Meet Brew Blog

I have created this blog in an attempt to document my adventures in homebrewing on the world wide web. I’m hoping that this can serve as a way for me to shar...

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Post: Link Permalink

Leaving this example post to demonstrate linked posts. To use, just add link: http://url-you-want-linked to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done. her...

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